Corporate Wellbeing Specialist and Exercise Scientist

Our Fitness and Massage Services

About Brad Mole

Brad’s experience and qualifications include:

Ensuring your employees are looked after by a qualified and capable team.

Don't Miss Out: Listen Now!

Health After Giving Birth
with Exercise Scientist, Brad Mole

Workplace Exercise Program

BMF is here to support employers in addressing the challenge of workplace fatigue via the implementation of world-leading workplace exercise programs. The aim of BMF is to optimise team performance by applying the latest research on brain/body connections.

Bespoke Workplace Strength Programs in Brisbane

Our science based strength programs improve your team’s physical condition and capacity. This increases their resilience and ability to deal with any stress associated with their job.

Client Testimonials

Why choose BMF for your Corporate Wellbeing Program

Improved physical health positively impacts mental wellbeing. Thus employees who increase physical condition, consequently develop improved work capacity. In addition, increased mobility can reduce joint pain, ultimately resulting in increased productivity and resilience. Enhancing your team’s mental resilience can directly improve their ability to handle workplace stressors.

BMF’s bespoke programs have the capacity to:

Corporate Wellbeing Program at Your Preferred Location

We offer in-office, offsite, and virtual coaching to seamlessly integrate with your work style and preferences.

At your office

You choose the location

Online virtual classes

Workplace Fitness Program Brisbane

Workplace Fitness describes how ‘fit’ the employee is, and their ability to deal with the daily, physical strains of their job such as prolonged sitting. Sitting for long periods of time creates stress on the spine, leading to postural problems and ultimately impacting circulation. This renders employees less productive as it can lead to muscle tension, impaired breathing, irritability, and fatigue. BMF promotes fitness and activity through bespoke workplace strength programs.

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The Body Mind Fit Corporate Wellbeing Program Difference

Our tailored fitness programs for employees include:

Ensuring a comprehensive training regimen for you and your team.


Workplace Coaching: What You Need to Know

What is the process of getting started?

The video link will show you the process from start to finish. 

  1. The process begins with a meeting with key leadership members to discuss the health challenges facing their workforce. We will look at timelines, budget, initiative options, mode of delivery alternatives and what can be done quickly to make the biggest impact. 
  2. The reality is your staff need to build in more structured movement during their work day, which will reduce injuries, improve energy levels and drive productivity. It’s time to be proactive and address looming health issues with science-based training that will significantly increase their health and wellbeing. 
  3. Additionally, Body Mind Fit is all about education and empowering your team with knowledge so they can drive their own health moving forward. Investing in science-based information with actionable tips that your team can easily use in the workplace, will increase the collective health of your workforce and show that health and wellbeing matters at your company.
What is the process of getting started with you?

The coaching process always starts with a 45-minute free assessment and consultation that will identify some key areas to focus on during the initial stages of the exercise program. During the consultation, we will discuss your goals, previous injuries and training background. A thorough look at lifestyle factors begins here as well, coaching my clients with a holistic framework, ensures better results and improvements in many aspects of health. 

Making progress in health is a journey, not a sprint, especially when we work on improving movement quality as well as a range of other health areas. Ideally, I work with clients for a minimum of 6 weekly sessions and I will provide home exercises and other training guidelines to complement the work we do in our session. I will always include as much education as possible during my sessions, this ensures you have the tools to continue the progress we make. 

The training process starts with a thorough, scientifically validated assessment process ensuring that movement quality is the main focus. Most injuries occur due to poor bracing cues, alignment and exercise technique. Additionally, due to the focus on lifting heavy weights with complex movements, in group settings with low instructional feedback, all to exhaustion, unfortunately, it’s not IF clients will get injured but rather WHEN. As I only train individual clients, this allows me to solely focus on addressing all the issues that likely got you injured in the first place.  

YES! There are so many reasons to add smart strength-based exercises to your weekly routine. If you only focus on endurance activities, it can expose you to repetitive strain injuries over time, especially if your main activity is running in high volumes.  Strength training increases joint stability, improves muscle coordination and movement efficiency, these can all reduce the likelihood of injuries. My extensive experience working with a range of endurance athletes, has shown that strength-based exercises are a must in any good weekly training program. 

By adding load to your skeleton system, this creates a positive effect that increases your bone mineral density. As we age, we all lose some density and for woman, this loss accelerates during menopause, so lifting is extremely beneficial for our bones. Furthermore, focusing on building muscle increases your metabolism, your ability to regulate glucose better (especially important for diabetics) and gives a leaner, more athletes look, we all want that! Focusing on building lean muscle instead of just fat loss, will lead to many additional health benefits.

I have had other sports massage and been disappointed before, what makes you different?

I have been massaging for 20 years and combined with my Exercise Science degree, this gives me a deeper understanding of the body. I also enjoy massage myself and have been fortunate to work with top therapists from the UK and Europe, which has given me additional skills on top of my qualifications.

YES! By reducing muscle tension, you increase your range of motion and recovery through better circulation and muscle function. Additionally reducing tension, allows the body to return to improved movement patterns** which can assist in injury prevention. Massage is a great way to be proactive and will reduce the likelihood of injuries.

**( correct activation/stability patterns and mechanics should be also looked at to complete the outcome)